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                Women Making History

                Michelle Sales/23 September 2021
                2 minutes read time

                This weekend the Melbourne Demons and the Western Bulldogs will head into the AFL Grand Final in Perth. For those of us in lockdown in Melbourne, it’s a lovely gift to have two of our teams to cheer on!

                Women: Melbourne and Western Bulldogs Presidents

                Even better, for the first time in the history of the AFL, the presidents of both clubs are women. Kylie Watson-Wheeler was appointed president of the Western Bulldogs in December 2020. Kate Roffeytook the reins at the Melbourne Demons in April this year. Both women, therefore, find themselves steering their clubs through grand finals campaigns in their first 12 months in the top job. What a brilliant opportunity for them and their teams.

                Many of you will know my passion for helping women to be successful and reach their potential. Our women’s leadership program, The Leadership Connection, is aimed at just that. Helping women to rise in organisations and build the confidence and impact to succeed. Seeing our two finals footy teams with women at the top for the first time gives us hope that we will continue to see more of it.

                We wish the Doggies and the Dee’s all the very best for the weekend.

                As for us, we have started to fill our next women’s leadership program commencing in February 2022. We will keep supporting women on their way to the top. If anyone wants to get a head start and add your name to the waitlist, please let me know as soon as possible.


                Michelle Sales/23 September 2021