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                Confidence – Learn The Power

                Michelle Sales/28 September 2021
                3 minutes read time

                In order to cultivate confidence in other people, leaders must first believe and have confidence in their own ability to weather the storms. They must perform well under pressure, learn from mistakes and bounce back. Creating, innovating, and raising the bar to drive higher levels of performance.


                Our confidence matters……….now more than ever!

                It is a muscle that needs to be strengthened. Whilst working remotely, many of us have faced different pressures over the last 18 months and our voice and contribution may have been impacted.

                This two-hour workshop will give you practical tools to develop confidence whilst having some fun building your own confidence muscle. It will leave you energised about the possibilities to build or expand your confidence and prepare you to walk away with a desire to take action.

                In this workshop you will:

                • Understand the importance of confidence and what it means to build grounded and authentic confidence ;
                • Explore the four critical components of building confidence that will enable you to show up, stand up, speak up and ultimately step up your confidence;
                • Learn and share what gets in the way of your confidence and how to overcome common derailers.

                This workshop will provide teams with the necessary skills to boost confidence and reach their potential. It will bring your teams together to enhance your performance. Maximising opportunities for growth of individuals and collectively, the team.

                This is not a publicly offered program so email [email protected] to book in your workshop.

                It’s a fun and engaging alternative to your next team meeting!

                Michelle Sales/28 September 2021