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                Supporting the Mission and Impact of the Alannah & Madeline Foundation

                Michelle Sales/10 May 2022
                2 minutes read time

                Leveraging the strengths of 20 organisational leaders is proving to be significant for the Alannah & Madeline Foundation as a diverse group of leaders learn about each other’s strengths, both individually and collectively, how to best leverage these and where they need more focus to achieve their ‘big gets’ for the year.

                We have been working with the Foundation over the first few months of 2022 to ensure that their most senior leaders are aligned, supported and ready to exercise leadership in a way that ensures the successful delivery of their strategy.

                Most of these organisational leaders had not had a chance for a long time, if ever, to come together in a room and take a break from the busyness of day-to-day work to have meaningful conversations as they develop their team. To understand what each leader in the organisation brings in terms of their strengths and what this looks like collectively. And more importantly how they can practically leverage that and align it to performance plans and goals for the year ahead.

                The work of the Foundation is amazing

                Their mission is to keep children and young people free from violence and trauma wherever they live, learn and play – to fight for their right to be safe, so their future is strong. What better purpose exists right?

                I love to work with clients who are crystal clear on their why. And the Foundation had such a clear and connected starting point for this work with their leaders. But this isn’t always the case. And if it’s not, we dig deep together and create real clarity of purpose for your teams and organisations. Clarity of purpose and your intentions that connects the heads and hearts of your people.

                Now back to the Alannah & Madeline Foundation

                Some of the early feedback from the first strengths workout:

                • “This work will give us much greater insight into what makes us tick, how we can collaborate more effectively, and how we can use different strengths to come together as a whole and create a high performing, cohesive, respectful and focussed team.”
                • “Absolutely engaging, interesting and thought provoking.”
                • “This could be a game changer for the leadership team at the Foundation.”
                • “I’m looking forward to digging deeper to see what more we can do to make us great – that is the way we will truly have our greatest impact.”
                • “This work is perfectly balanced for the reality of what we need right now.”
                • “Coming together as leaders – taking the opportunity to all be in the room together like this having such insightful and meaningful conversations…this has been fantastic to strengthen relationships, deepen the bond we have as organisational leaders, connect on a different level and learn from each other.”

                It is certainly a privilege to work with the Alannah & Madeline Foundation and support its leaders, their mission and the impact they have on the future of children and young people everywhere. We have more work to do – as one of their favourite sayings goes – “leadership is real work and if we think we are done then it’s probably time to give it away.” So further developing great leadership and impact is work I really look forward to continuing to support.

                Thank you, the Alannah & Madeline Foundation, for the opportunity to work together.


                Michelle Sales/10 May 2022