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                What’s Your Team Doing Right Now?

                Michelle Sales/03 May 2022
                2 minutes read time

                In March I wrote about the need to create new ways of working with our teams and organisations given the work environment is not the same as the one we left in 2020. We have the opportunity to reframe our thinking and planning from a return to the office to developing new office cultures going forward.

                So far, I am seeing my clients take on this task with two different approaches.

                Either an organisation wide approach which mandates or gives guidance around a number of ‘office’ days per week is required. Or a more flexible team by team approach where teams are empowered to determine what works best for them within some overall guidelines.

                Quite a number of you are taking the team-by-team approach and using this time to come together and set up new team rituals, operating rhythms, and ways of working. Looking to create impact, lift performance, and engagement in 2022 and beyond, this is proving to be highly successful.

                What better time is there to reflect with your team on your purpose and intentions – is this really why you exist? Or is it rather, what you do each day? This is such a critical place to start and connect hearts and minds to what’s most important.

                Because we’ve been physically apart and at times disconnected as teams for much of the last two years, when we come together and plan a way forward it’s also important to have a strong sense of who you are as a team. What are your strengths? Where are your blindspots? And how to maximise the potential of the team and know how you operate at your best both individually and collectively.

                Some of the rituals and rhythms that you need to examine include how you communicate with each other. Are you hybrid? How does this work for you to keep people engaged and boost input and performance? When do you come together face to face and how do you make the most of this? Teams need to now put new operating rhythms into place to support this.

                I’m excited to say that we have just the work to support you to set up your team for success.

                Our series of IMPACT workouts will help your team to set your intentions for 2022 and beyond, understand how you operate at your best, and to put in place the right structure to sustain your success.

                We have already been running these workouts throughout the start of 2022 and will share some results over the coming weeks.

                And we have opened up some availability to commence new workouts from August but please be quick and book in now.

                You can reach me at [email protected]

                Michelle Sales/03 May 2022