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                Why new branding?

                Michelle Sales/24 October 2022
                1 minute read time

                The short answer is EVOLUTION.

                The best and most interesting part of our own evolution has been reviewing our leadership work and deciding what to keep, lose or innovate, based on the evolved needs of our clients. We use and teach this same framework of “keep, lose, innovate” in our adaptive leadership programs.

                The story of our brand has essentially evolved from Michelle Sales, founder and leader of this company, a passionate trainer, coach, facilitator who thrives in maximising leadership performance; to representing a whole team that is built and growing to offer you leadership training and coaching excellence. To embody who we are now and why we do what we do, for you, this new iteration of the brand emerges from things that needed to be challenged, improved on, or carefully protected. It includes the same amount of passion with added diversity, energy, and capability.

                Branding is often associated with loyalty. We believe, this is reciprocal. Our new brand needed to stay representative of our loyalty to you. This is not just about finding familiar things you have come to expect from us, it is about showing we care and construct our business with you in mind. We hope with this, in turn to continue nurturing your loyalty to us.

                Branding is also about perception. And this is also reciprocal. We want to brand ourselves in a way that best serves our purpose and in that same manner best serves you. We love feedback, it helps us understand how we are being perceived by you and our future clients. Much of this work is based on feedback we have received from clients about the value you are receiving, the performance outcomes you have achieved and the leadership potential you never thought possible. So please keep giving us feedback, we love to hear from you.

                Leaving a good impression

                We often quote Maya Angelou’speople won’t remember what you said or did, but they’ll remember how you made them feel, to paraphrase. Through our work, with our brand and in any of our interactions we want you to feel connected, empowered, challenged, open to new opportunities, energised, happy. That is the why of our evolved branding.

                Most importantly, our mission to bring great leadership to the world so that it can become a better place is at the core of Michelle Sales Leadership.

                So where did we start for our new branding? - our values always. They do not appear explicitly on our website, but they really, truly drive our decisions, they are who we are.


                We strive for growth. We are courageous and optimistic about the future. We stay curious and open-minded about opportunities. We continually stretch and learn to enable exceptional and unique client value.


                We value connection. We love to have fun together. We look after ourselves and each other’s wellbeing. We value team intimacy and friendship and we work as one toward a shared purpose.


                We commit. We do what we say we’re going to do for ourselves and our clients. We are transparent, open and honest in everything we do. We truly care and take our responsibility seriously. We commit to opportunities that support our values.


                Michelle Sales/24 October 2022