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                Sharing is Caring

                Michelle Sales/02 November 2022
                1 minute read time

                Sharing knowledge and perspectives with my clients, colleagues, friends and family, is important to deepening connections with them and adding value to our relationships.

                As you know from our blog last week, growth and connection are two of our core values. It could not be any other way then, but to have a Knowledge Hub on our new website where we offer you a range of free leadership resources.

                Knowledge shared = Knowledge2

                Normally I would tell you that our Knowledge Hub is chockers with great content in the form of blogs, published articles, podcasts and more. However, it’s incredible how a little Marie Kondo of our resources can bring this to the next level.

                Indeed, we hope to spark some joy for our website visitors. Imagining your ideal experience, one of the rules of the Konmari method, is exactly why we have included a search and filter feature to this space.

                We keep growing the hub and intend to keep it fresh, insightful and full of value.

                So, we invite you to visit the Knowledge Hub often and access what we trust are going to be sources of information that will be important for your leadership growth.

                Michelle Sales/02 November 2022