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                Respond, RECOVER and Thrive

                Michelle Sales/12 December 2022
                1 minute read time

                We jumped out of the gates at the beginning of 2022 and it was an amazing start to the year but also intense. Being in response mode we had the opportunity to deliver for many clients whose plans had had to change at the end of 2021. It was exciting to be able to do so, especially face-to-face, but pretty full-on. It allowed us very little time to pause and regroup.
                We then decided to keep the momentum going and also respond to the ever-growing demand for forward-looking, innovative leadership by updating our own brand, programs, website and even our team changed.
                So, when September came along, end of Quarter 3, and we saw an opportunity to recover, that’s exactly what we set out to do.

                HOW AND WHY RECOVER

                Personally, I had always wanted to go to the Gwinganna Health Retreat as many friends and colleagues had always raved about it and it was absolutely food for my soul.
                I’ve come back full of inspiration, knowledge and motivation to live a life fuelled with all the good stuff. There was an incredible selection of activities and lessons to live a healthier life, reduce stress and enhance healthier ageing.
                For me, it was an important investment in reflecting on how I best bring happiness and joy to my every day. I took the opportunity to say goodbye to some ‘stuff’ in my life that I was trying too hard to control. And I committed to some better boundaries and expanding my comfort zone!


                In a 2020 Deloitte Insights article called The Essence of Resilient Leadership, the authors define 3 critical timeframes leaders have to navigate in times of crisis, Respond, Recover and Thrive. They were obviously referring to the Covid crisis at the time and we are all getting a bit tired of talking about the last 2 years. But we do want to point out the relevance of these 3 states to building leaders’ resilience, including our own, during any length of time when there’s change, transformation and growth.
                The recovery phase is essential to shift to the next stage, that is, to Thrive. And with this shift also comes a mindset shift. That is what Gwinganna really supported me with.
                Disconnecting and re-connecting to yourself and nature around you can be the best trigger to have your mind shift and allow it to open up to new possibilities. Innovation, creativity, curiosity, all get dampened by the day-to-day busyness and grind. There is a real need to remove oneself from this to be able to re-energise, recover fully and thrive.
                The start of a new year is the perfect time to find your own version of recovery and time “to soothe your soul and inspire you to live a thriving life” to paraphrase Gwinganna.
                2023 is around the corner and we want to be set up well to thrive!

                Michelle Sales/12 December 2022