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                Reconnecting, Listening & Learning After Time Off

                Michelle Sales/29 January 2024
                1 minute read time

                Isn’t it amazing how much a holiday, an escape, a moment away from our routines can change us?

                Particularly beneficial is a break from repetitive bad habits or negative thoughts. If we are lucky and we’ve managed some of the restorative practices we’ve been talking about lately, we may not be quite the same when we return to work.

                This being the case then, leaders and their teams should really reconnect, listen and learn about their teams using the following prompting questions:

                • Are the individual members of your team still acting, thinking, and ready to work in the same way?
                • Is there something else that can be leveraged?
                • Do we need to pay attention to something different?

                Use one of our workshops to check in with your team bringing them together and deliberately working on enhancing performance by maximising opportunities for growth. It is also a great way to build trust and create a safe space for renewed and improved collaboration.

                These workshops allow everyone to create clarity on what they have to contribute and how to best operate together for high performance and impact. You may all be surprised by the changes that have taken place since you last had a leadership development session together.

                Here is a brief summary of the focus of each of the workshops



                Play to your strengths to feel happier and more engaged, to help you grow and have the impact you look for. Understand how to leverage what you’re great at in a really practical way to achieve the goals you set and become what you want to be.



                Based on the neuroscience of wellbeing, this workshop enables you to understand what it takes to be the very best version of yourself for high performance, with vitality, energy and the strategies to sustain this.



                Develop and build your confidence muscle by exploring and understanding the four critical components of Real Confidence: Show Up, Stand Up, Speak up and Step up. Learn and share what gets in the way and how to overcome common derailers.

                Adaptive Change

                Adaptive Change

                Based on the work of Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey’s Immunity to Change, this workshop will enable you, either as individuals and/or as a team, to make progress with important but persistently resistant leadership development goals.

                Strategic Influence

                Strategic Influence

                Mastering the art of influencing effectively will exponentially increase the chances of any individual or team’s leadership impact and success. Learn to leverage the Adaptive Leadership Process to observe, interpret and intervene strategically for greater influence.

                Powerful Conversations

                Powerful Conversations

                It is through great conversations that people connect, empathise, collaborate and grow. Identify and understand the different levels of your interactions to improve your impact and performance.

                Personal Brand

                Personal Brand

                Being deliberate and cultivating your personal brand and reputation is one of the best ways to set yourself up for future opportunities and to help you stand out. Learn to authentically and proactively build your brand.

                Use one of our workshops to check in with your team, bringing them together and deliberately working on enhancing performance by maximising opportunities for growth. It is a great way to build trust and create a safe space for renewed and improved collaboration.

                If you’re looking for a fun and purposeful way to reconnect with your team, get in touch.More information about the workshops can be found on the full blog or on our website

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                Michelle Sales/29 January 2024