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                My Strengths in Overdrive

                Michelle Sales/26 April 2022
                2 minutes read time

                We had a whole other blog planned that I was meant to write for this week. But instead, I’ve spent most of the week either packing or moving years of ‘stuff’ from our beach house and I haven’t really been in the headspace for writing.

                Each day I moved the writing job that was due to be sent today to the next day, and each day I still felt I didn’t have the ‘space’ for it. All the while I was having increasing feelings of guilt having not done the job I committed to do.

                Here is what I know about my strengths based on my Strength Profile.

                I have Action, Drive, Growth and Personal Responsibility all in my top 10 strengths. This works really well for my inner drive and ability to motivate myself to action. When I overdo these strengths however, I take on too much, have expectations that can overwhelm me and I run ahead of my team. Personal Responsibility then comes in when I commit to something, and I feel guilty when I don’t deliver.

                Right now I’m feeling guilty that I haven’t written the blog we planned for. It’s a substantial blog though, more like a case study, that needs time and deep thought. And I don’t have either right now.

                So I’m going to give myself a break, exercise a little self-compassion and send you this instead! My learning for this week is that I need to dial down these action-orientated strengths and dial up my gratitude, adventure and creativity to create different ways to get the job done!

                A little reflection goes a long way and knowing how to leverage our strengths is priceless. I hope you have a great week.


                Michelle Sales/26 April 2022