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                Is your Leadership Performance Change Ready?

                Michelle Sales/24 May 2022
                3 minutes read time

                Why is it that, even with the best motivations and heartfelt intentions, people are resistant to change? What prevents progress on the things they most want to achieve?

                Every leader is familiar with the challenge of lifting the performance of their team and the change required to do so. Sometimes the change relates to a number of individuals in the team and other times it’s a fundamental shift required by the team collectively. Regardless, most leaders have experienced their teams making great commitments to change, all coming together and declaring they are up for the challenge. Only to get a few months down the track and nothing and no one has changed. People are dragging their feet and despite all the right intentions performance looks the same as it did last year.

                As many organisations and teams prepare for a new year starting in July, what better way to get your team prepared than to come together, united around a common purpose. To work out and be clear on how your team can succeed together for greater good. For teams to continue to be successful change is important. Because let’s face it, if we don’t continue to evolve and lift the bar on what’s possible, we will actually go backwards.

                But change is work, continuous and often hard.

                That’s why it’s a really important focus of one of our IMPACT leadership workshops. We leverage the Immunity-to-Change approach developed by Harvard Graduate School members Lisa Lahey and Robert Keegan. This Immunity to Change framework has helped us to support thousands of individuals, teams and organisations identify the real source of what has been preventing change for them. It guides them on a new path to bring about long term, sustainable change. And time after time it has given leaders ‘light bulb moments’ as they dig deep and really strengthen their self-awareness. Despite the most thoughtful plans, desires and needs we must understand at a deeper level what will hold us back and how to make better progress.

                When asked to describe our IMPACT sessions, an executive at ANZ, wrote: “a useful investment in time to reflect and think about the team, the individual members and how the team dynamics come together to drive a connected and united purpose and a way of working together to achieve greater outcomes.” Indeed, spending development time together maximises the talent inherent in your team. Successful teams are at the heart of every successful organisation.

                However, having the impact you desire doesn’t just happen.

                If you are ready to set your team up for greater outcomes in the year ahead, understand how to best sustain individual and collective change and be united around a common purpose then reach out to us NOW.

                Impact Model

                The IMPACT work we do with leadership teams enables a much greater sense of self and team awareness. It involves the team examining their own habits and committing to high performance and impact. It’s about leveraging one another’s strengths, building trust, and gaining complete alignment. Knowing what is required to be successful and to achieve the positive impact you strive for.


                Michelle Sales/24 May 2022