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                How is Ang going with Dry July?

                Michelle Sales/16 July 2024
                1 minute read time

                This month Ang from Michelle Sales Leadership is doing Dry July, in this week’s article, Ang shares her experience to date :

                “Embarking on Dry July has been an interesting experience for me. Setting clear goals and establishing solid strategies has been crucial in maintaining my commitment to staying alcohol-free throughout the month.

                One of the biggest challenges so far occurred when I attended a birthday lunch at a winery, a setting that could easily have derailed my efforts. However, I went in with a plan: I volunteered to be the designated driver and enlisted my partner as my accountability buddy. This dual approach not only kept me focused but also provided the support I needed to navigate the social pressures of the event.

                Surprisingly, I had an absolutely fantastic time at the winery. While my friends indulged in the wine tastings, I enjoyed delicious food and engaging conversations. This experience reinforced that I don't need alcohol to enjoy social evnts and that my presence and participation are valued just as much.

                Overall, I am doing well in Dry July. I have made it a priority to maintain a positive mindset, adopt a healthy diet, and commit to regular exercise. These elements have been pivotal in supporting my alcohol-free journey.

                Whenever temptation creeps in, I remind myself of my "why" and the reasons behind my decision to participate in Dry July. Reflecting on my motivations keeps me grounded and determined to see this challenge through to the end. It’s not always easy, but the sense of accomplishment and the benefits to my overall well-being make it all worthwhile.

                As I continue through Dry July, I am reminded of the power of setting intentions and the importance of having a support system. I am looking forward to finishing the month strong and carrying the lessons learned into the future.”

                Thank you to all who have donated to Angela's Dry July campaign! Your support is deeply appreciated. For those who haven't donated yet, please consider supporting Ang via this link

                Interesting Fact:

                Did you know that giving up alcohol for a month can have several health benefits, including better sleep, improved mood, weight loss, and enhanced liver function.

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                Michelle Sales/16 July 2024