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                Harnessing Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Exceptional Leadership

                Michelle Sales/20 August 2024
                1 minute read time

                As discovered in the book, “Primal Leadership. The Hidden Driver of Great Performance” by Daniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee, emotional intelligence travels through an organisation like electricity over telephone wires. Depressed, ruthless bosses create toxic organisations filled with negative underachievers. But if you’re an upbeat, inspirational leader, you cultivate positive employees who embrace and surmount even the toughest challenges.

                Creating a Trustworthy Climate for Adaptive Success

                Last week we discussed how critical trust is as a foundation for leading adaptive change and mobilising teams of people. The second link in the chain is that emotionally intelligent leaders create climates of trust, higher collaboration, healthy risk-taking, and learning. We also discovered that when we are learning and collaborating, we are better at adapting.

                The Contagious Nature of Emotions

                Emotional contagion highlights the powerful impact a leader's emotional state can have on an entire organisation. Positive emotions can quickly spread, fostering a motivated and engaged workforce, while negative emotions can create a toxic environment that undermines productivity and morale. Effective leaders understand the importance of managing their inner lives to set the right emotional tone, which in turn supports high performance and resilience.

                Research from Primal Leadership reinforces this, showing that achieving financial success starts with leaders managing their inner selves. This internal management triggers the right emotional and behavioural chain reaction, highlighting how contagious moods truly are.

                “We’ve known for years that emotional intelligence improves results – often by an order of magnitude. Now, new research shows that a leader’s mood plays a key role in that dynamic – a discovery that should redefine what leaders do first and best.”

                My Challenge to You:

                To enhance your leadership effectiveness and emotional intelligence, consider embracing the ADAPT Model for personal growth.

                ADAPT Model for Self

                Self Adapt Model

                ASSESS your self-awareness. How well do you understand how people experience you?

                  Take time to reflect on your interactions with others. Are you aware of the impact your emotions and behaviours have on your team? Self-awareness is the first step towards emotional intelligence.

                  DIAGNOSE where your opportunities and challenges lie and where you want to make the most progress.

                    Identify specific areas where you can improve. This might include managing stress better, improving communication skills, or becoming more empathetic. 

                    ASK for feedback from people you trust that will help your growth.

                      Seek out honest feedback from colleagues, mentors, or friends. Their insights can provide valuable perspectives on your strengths and areas for improvement.

                      PROPOSE a way to adapt behaviour based on feedback.

                        Develop a plan to address the feedback you receive. This might involve setting specific goals, seeking additional training, or practising new behaviours. 

                        TEST out and experiment with new behaviours that will support your growth.

                          Implement your plan and observe the results. Be open to adjusting your approach based on what works and what doesn’t. Continuous improvement is key to developing emotional intelligence.

                          By using this model, you can enhance your leadership skills, foster a positive work environment, and drive better results. The benefits of using the ADAPT model can include improved self-awareness, better communication, stronger relationships, and increased resilience.

                          If you want to dive even further, book a free 30 minute consultation, receive weekly tips or both!

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                          Michelle Sales/20 August 2024