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                Connection, Collaboration, Conversation & Confidence Building

                Michelle Sales/20 November 2023
                1 minute read time

                We love to work with leaders and create the space for connection, collaboration, conversation and confidence building.

                A quote by Judith Glaser, puts it perfectly:

                Judith Glaser quote

                At the end of the day this is about head and heart leadership and bringing more human to how you exercise leadership and connect with each other. When we know ourselves and get to know each other we are more confident in the ability of the leadership group to achieve together.

                Michelle Sales Leadership, Connected Leadership Masterclasses allows leaders to deepen connections across peer groups and the foundations of trust across organisations. It’s a real privilege to create the space for different conversations and every time see the light bulb moments as new opportunities and better ways to work together come to the surface.

                If you are looking to improve leadership engagement, connection and collaboration and ultimately better your business performance and people outcomes then be sure to book this Masterclass for 2024.

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                Michelle Sales/20 November 2023