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                Are we there yet?

                Michelle Sales/19 December 2022
                1 minute read time

                I know I’m not the only one that is counting down until Christmas celebrations and year end. In fact, just about every conversation is about this at the moment. But yet I do it every year – start the countdown at the start of December and can’t wait until that moment that I get to completely turn off.

                Like well-oiled machines, we get into gear to buy presents, attend company and client lunches and set up our ‘out of office’ messages. We run from parties to celebrations, spend too much money and cannot even rest from the exhaustion of it all… I’m not sure this is really healthy.

                But I love Christmas and the vibe. I am hooked on the lights, the carols, mince pies and big family gatherings. Plus I can’t wait for the guilt free switching off the computer for 2 weeks. It’s one of those things I guess.

                The festive season is here and it’s also time to say thanks.

                This year we have had the privilege to work with wonderful clients, existing and new, in mutual collaboration and collective support. We have built better, more resilient, engaged, effective and impactful leaders. We know this makes a difference and we are firm believers in the ripple effect this will have. The long term and long-range impact of leadership work is what drives us year on year.

                We wish the build-up to year end and the anticipation that goes with it has been positive for you, even if like me, you are exhausted! We hope you enjoy the satisfaction of knowing the work you’ve done this year really makes a difference. And as the year comes to an end, we wish that you have the opportunity to breathe deeply, let go and recover. If you dislike the holiday season shenanigans, retreat, it is a great alternative to start the new year full of energy.

                And as you start to look forward to the year ahead know that we will be here, looking forward to connecting with you and supporting your success and desire to keep building better leaders and a better world in 2023.

                Michelle Sales/19 December 2022