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                And we are back!

                Michelle Sales/09 January 2023
                1 minute read time

                Happy New Year 2023! Did you have a great time? Or did you just survive the festivities? Full disclosure, I’m still on break for a little while longer but some of my team is back, and you may be too, so we didn’t want to wait to re-connect.

                In case you’re reading this from the side of the pool, or you’re just easing your way back into the office this week, we are keeping things chilled. No need to talk about goals and plans for the year just yet, although this is definitely a great time to reflect. Best to keep it creative, stay curious, maybe wait a little to commit. Check in with yourself and the thoughts that are going through your mind.

                What is your energy level?

                The pace of everything could do with slowing down a little and what better time than when the days are the longest and the hot weather makes us slightly lethargic. What we don’t need is to return from a holiday feeling as exhausted or worse than when we started.

                A month or so ago we talked about recovering to thrive. Let’s not lose sight of that. If you still need to recharge, if the chaos from family gatherings and NYE parties are still making you feel on edge you have not fully recovered. You may still need some time away, calm time, doing nothing time, uncommitted time.

                That is when reflecting can fully happen, when you are actively listening to your inner voice, the one that will, when ready, say “let’s go! It’s the new year and I’m pumped!”; and what a great feeling that is. Till then, allow yourself some restorative recovery time, it’s essential.

                PS. If you were reading this on your device by the side of the pool, now you’re done, put it away!

                Michelle Sales/09 January 2023