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                The 21 Day Leadership Challenge starts Monday!

                Michelle Sales/28 August 2024
                1 minute read time

                Many of our clients are either about to lead or in the midst of leading big complex change that can be messy and difficult. It’s hard to assess whether you are doing the right work when you are in the middle of this. But one thing is for sure that how you show up as a leader makes a massive difference to the outcomes.

                The role you play as a leader, your behaviour, how you coach and empower your people is all on show. It is likely that you need to change some of how you are leading and the mindset you are approaching this work with.

                To practically support you as leaders we have created a 21 Day Leadership Challenge that will be conveniently delivered to you throughout the month of September.

                This challenge encourages daily reflection, action and growth. It is designed to help you as leaders stay focused, adaptable and effective as you guide your people through change.

                Just like building any other muscle in our body the practice of reflection is a critical leadership muscle. Each day through September we will help you to reflect on your leadership and therefore build and strengthen this muscle.

                We would love to hear from you about your progress. What’s working, where you are getting stuck and what else you need. So, shoot us back an email or message through whatever channel you read our content.

                So now is the time to ready yourself. For anyone that has completed any sort of daily challenge think now about how you can create a little space at the start of each day to reflect on that days leadership work. What mindset and self-talk do you need to create for yourself to make a positive start?And please feel free to reach out to us for any support you need – [email protected]

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                Michelle Sales/28 August 2024