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                Who Am I?

                Michelle Sales/15 October 2024
                1 minute read time

                In January 2004 I had an amazing ‘bucket list’ trip to South Africa.

                South Africa

                I love that travel is such a learning experience and fuels us with so many difference insights, perspectives and experiences. Some shape and shake us more than others. We visited Robben Island, off Cape Town, and the jail that Nelson Mandela was imprisoned from 1964 to 1982. Stepping into the that cell I found it literally impossible to imagine anyone spending a week, let alone years there.

                And yet despite facing unimaginable years of hardship and isolation, Mandela went on to ultimately lead South Africa’s journey toward unity and peace. He paid a deep price, but he led this from a place of authenticity and conviction. His leadership was a powerful expression of his values.

                This alignment with personal values gave Mandela the inner strength and adaptability needed to lead through one of history’s most profound transformations. It enabled him to stay true to his vision even when faced with opposition, showing how real leadership grows from within. Mandela’s story is a testament to the importance of “starting with who”—the foundation of Real Leadership.

                For leaders today, the path may look different, but the principles remain. 

                What has shaped you, your life story? What are the core values that drive you? Which strengths are unique to you? Understanding these elements creates a foundation from which you can lead with clarity and purpose. You may never need to withstand the challenges that Mandela did but drawing on your inner resources will allow you adapt and grow.

                A good visual is to imagine leadership as a tree, where the roots represent your values, strengths, and unique personality. Just like a tree relies on strong, deep roots to stand tall, a leader relies on a solid foundation of self-understanding to remain resilient, adaptive, and impactful, even in the face of challenges. The deeper these roots, the more expansive and sustainable your leadership becomes.

                Leadership can be tested in times of uncertainty (sometimes to the maximum of what you think you can stand), and leaders without a strong foundation may struggle to remain grounded. When you don’t know who you are or what you stand for, it’s easy to sway with the tides of opinion, making decisions that feel inauthentic or inconsistent. Strong roots help prevent this by serving as an anchor, allowing you to make decisions that are both resilient and aligned with your core self.

                By starting with self-awareness, you establish the credibility and trust that others look for in a leader. People are drawn to leaders who are genuine—those who lead not by title but by example. When your leadership comes from a place of authentic understanding, it naturally inspires others to follow, knowing that your actions are aligned with a stable foundation of values and purpose.

                So, take time to dig deep and strengthen your roots. 

                Reflect on your life story, embrace your unique strengths, and clarify your core values. The time you invest in this self-discovery is foundational. It is this strength from within that enables you to grow as a leader, stand tall during storms, and extend your branches in ways that create a lasting, positive impact.

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                Michelle Sales/15 October 2024