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                What is your Secret Sauce?

                Michelle Sales/12 July 2022
                1 minute read time

                Leadership is challenging enough to exercise without assuming that it is the ‘leader’ alone that is responsible and accountable for performance. One of the myths about High Performing Teams is that it is the role of the ‘leader’ to turn their team into one. Think of ‘leadership’ as a verb rather than a noun. Everyone has the potential to exercise leadership, not just the person who has leader in their job title.

                Leadership should not be a lonely place, but unfortunately it often is.

                High performing teams are built on everyone having the clarity, awareness and the motivation to become and behave as a member of that team. This includes trust, peer-to-peer accountability, open and honest communication, a focused and well-established pulse and an understanding of the team strengths and purpose. And this enables everyone to exercise leadership and make progress much more effectively.

                Impact Model

                The ‘leader’ of the team of course needs to set the vision and influence the team and the environment they work in to become high performing. They do so by role modelling behaviours, creating and nurturing a culture of trust, collaboration and performance and by coaching the individuals of the team. More importantly ‘team leaders’ often find and promote the energy, engagement and connection that make high performing teams possible. When any of those key elements are challenged, ‘team leaders’ are also the drivers of leadership work and development for their teams.

                Leadership comes in many flavours.

                So, what is that special ingredient that enables a team to perform at its best?

                What is your Secret Sauce?

                If it’s not dependent on the ‘leader’ then what is it? When working with teams to develop their leadership impact we start with self and team awareness. Teams examine what their habits are and connect back to their purpose. Sometimes we find, members of a leadership team have clarity on the skills that each individually bring to the table but may not have looked at the collective opportunity these present.

                Ultimately it comes down to sharing a desire to make a difference together. It is not about any of the individual members of the team or the person that ‘leads’ them. It is about alignment to a higher purpose and finding ways to achieve this in collaboration, not just with each other, but with other teams as well.

                Connection to purpose and to each other is essential to maximising the potential impact of the team.

                If you would like to find out how we can help you and your team, contact us now!



                Michelle Sales/12 July 2022