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                That’s a Wrap on Quarter 2!

                Michelle Sales/28 June 2022
                3 minutes read time

                It’s the middle of the year and much has happened already.

                The first quarter of this year we were in full planning mode for our move to Queensland. Now that’s done and dusted (although a few boxes in the shed may beg to differ).

                So, here we are 3 months later finding our feet, experimenting with the right rhythm of being interstate doing face to face and online training and leadership development. I want to pause for a moment and reflect on how the experience has been. What we have achieved and how we best support our clients and run the business well going forward.

                I love that this move has given us the opportunity to try-out a new way of working

                We learnt many lessons over the past two years about what was possible and now it’s time to leverage those lessons and more!

                I’m the last person who would have told you I loved online leadership development and coaching but it turns out I do, it works and it is very effective. That’s no news to anyone but I guess when we didn’t have any other choice but online, I wasn’t that excited about it. Now we can choose – what types of development work best online versus face to face and how we mix up both options for longer term programs. Online training and coaching have opened the world up to us and given clients greater choice.

                This move is giving us the opportunity to assess and really establish a good balance of online and face to face development. Many of our clients have been venturing back into the world of in-person leadership work with excellent results and a whole load of revitalised energy. Others are seeing the benefits of newly found operating rhythms that include remote or working from home hours.

                This is such a great time to re-set leadership practices

                We have been doing some really great IMPACT work with clients during this quarter. If the last two years have required a different sort of leadership to ensure organisations survived, now we need to take a deliberate pause. It is essential to consider what leadership is required to set the organisation up for the next few years.

                And so we will continue to experiment with what’s possible. We will continue to support our clients’ face to face work in each state and also balance this with online delivery of leadership work. Sometimes I’ll get this balance right and sometimes I won’t but that’s the beauty of experimenting and learning as we go.

                What have you been up to? Have you been busily closing the end of FY21/22 or is your strategy based on a different financial year? What are you doing to pause and reflect on your leadership practices going forward? How are you creating a leadership re-set?

                Whatever the plan and focus, the end of a quarter and at the half way mark is a good time to take stock. Where have you been, where are you going and how are you going to make progress as you go?


                Michelle Sales/28 June 2022