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                Rethinking Leadership in Challenging Times

                Michelle Sales/06 August 2024
                1 minute read time

                In today's rapidly evolving environment, industries face numerous challenges: budget cuts, increased demands with fewer resources, and rising ambiguity and complexity. Traditional methods and the "low-hanging fruit" have been exhausted, and leaders find themselves spending too much time in the thick of things ("on the dance floor") rather than gaining perspective ("on the balcony").

                Embrace Expansive Thinking

                We need to shift from the "Just Do It" mentality to "Need to Rethink It." This means fostering a collective approach to leadership. Challenges can't rest solely on a few top executives. Leadership must be distributed across all levels of the organisation. Leaders should not have all the answers but should instead encourage diverse perspectives and reasonable risk-taking.

                Key Questions for Leaders

                1. Are you considering the whole organisation rather than individual silos?
                1. When risks don't pan out, are these seen as learning opportunities?
                1. Do you allocate resources to gather diverse perspectives for better solutions?

                Adaptive Leadership Approach

                Adaptive Model

                Today's challenges require adaptive thinking. Leaders must:

                • Observe: Understand the environment, opportunities, and patterns.
                • Interpret: Courageously make multiple interpretations of these observations.
                • Intervene: Develop innovative solutions for adaptive challenges.

                Adaptive leadership is essential for mobilising teams to tackle tough challenges and thrive. It's about making progress on significant issues, thinking beyond conventional boundaries, and fostering an open, expansive mindset.

                Reflect on what needs rethinking in your leadership approach. How can you adopt a more open and expansive mindset?

                Consider "thinking outside the building," not just outside the square.

                Embrace adaptive leadership to navigate today's complexities and drive your organisation towards success.

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                Michelle Sales/06 August 2024