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                Restore & Recharge

                Michelle Sales/15 January 2024
                1 minute read time

                Have you fully recovered from the holiday season?

                Use these tips every time you feel your energy wearing out, to give your best self a moment to replenish and thrive.

                We like to simplify 4 key elements for our wellbeing: Brain, Body, Relationships and the Environment.

                1️⃣ Rest your brain and check in with your mindset. Are you ready to start the year with a positive mindset, looking forward to what is to come? If you’re feeling stuck on what is still to be done or the difficulties of the past, reframe. Progress not perfection, that is our mantra. Stay open to opportunities and think of the bigger picture, you’ve got a brand new year ahead of you!

                2️⃣ Listen to and be mindful with your body. When the weather is this good, a walk on the beach, a swim or a hike, or a simple tweak in the diet post the festivities, can do wonders for us. At times your body will just require rest, relieve it of all activity for a moment and see how that feels, it may improve your sleep.

                3️⃣ Connect with people, we are social creatures. You can make plans with friends, family or colleagues or simply smile, volunteer and practice gratitude. Connection doesn’t have to necessarily involve people you know. Whatever form connection takes, focus on what you cherish and the people who enhance your life.

                4️⃣ If the environment you are in has led you to sensory overload, disconnect. Noise, pollution, and our constant interaction with devices can be draining. Stepping away and re-connecting to nature is one of the most nourishing ways to give our body and mind a break.

                Today, think of 3 ways you can recharge your energy.

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                Michelle Sales/15 January 2024