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                Potential Boosters #2: Unrealised Strengths and Confidence

                Michelle Sales/12 August 2023
                1 minute read time

                Leaders need a robust set of strengths and a certain degree of confidence to navigate an environment that is constantly changing. As this often means the need to do things differently tomorrow from how you are today, one set of skills may not be enough. The ability to draw from different strengths and the courage to try new things, to take on risk are crucial.

                As a leader, you can also utilise strength spotting with your people. Listen for the language that they use, look for the energy they are showing or not showing, what they are paying attention to or not, what motivates or de-motivates them, and the tone of their voice. This enables you to hold the mirror up to them at times and understand how they are leveraging their strengths in their work. And how they overcome their weaknesses to get their job done in the best possible way. It also gives you a window into their potential.

                The pot of gold 🍯

                If you’re not familiar with the terminology “unrealised strengths”, you have not done the strengths profiling work with us yet. What are you waiting for? It shows a certain number of strengths you perform well and bring you energy but you are not using as much as possible. These are the unrealised strengths. An amazing untapped resource for bringing renewed energy and higher performance to your day to day or that of your team.

                Once you have identified a set of unrealised strengths to draw from, the opportunity to use them may not be as obvious as you’d like though.

                Taking sometimes what feels like a sidestep from best performing strengths to make room for those you don’t use as often can be daring. But so is leadership. Remember Brene Brown, in her book Daring to Lead, telling us to “stay in it when you’re uncertain, in risk, in the arena and put yourself out there when you can’t control the outcome”. That is when confidence partners with your strengths for best results.

                Confidence not as arrogance or the absence of vulnerability but on the contrary, confidence to be ok with the stretch, the uncertainty, and the risk. Confidence to give your unrealised strengths a go. Confidence to step up your leadership, to maximise your potential and show up as the best version of yourself.

                Confidence and strengths, are not fixed attributes. They’re both dynamic elements that with focus and work can be leveraged, dialed up or down as needed. This is what makes them such great boosters of potential and ultimately performance. They serve as catalysts for taking your leadership to the next level. 

                Use them wisely!

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                Michelle Sales/12 August 2023