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                Final Reflections on Dry July and Leadership Lessons

                Michelle Sales/29 July 2024
                1 minute read time

                As Ang reaches the final week of Dry July, it's a perfect moment to hand the blog over to Ang to reflect on her journey. 

                “This challenge has been more than just abstaining from alcohol; it’s been an experience, fostering personal growth and leadership qualities. 

                The Four Stages of Learning 

                Throughout this journey, I've navigated the Four Stages of Learning: Unconscious Incompetence: You don't know what you don't know. 

                • Conscious Incompetence: You know what you don't know. 
                • Conscious Competence: You know what you know, but it takes effort to apply it. 
                • Unconscious Competence: You do what you know without even thinking about it. 

                Starting with My "Why" 

                From the outset, I started with my "why" – the reasons behind my decision to participate in Dry July. 

                Keeping my "why" at the forefront has been key in maintaining my commitment and focus. While I haven't fallen off the wagon to date, I recognise that this is a learning journey. 

                Each day, I experimented with different practices, discovering what works best for me. It's an ongoing process of trial and error, and I’ve come to understand that it's perfectly okay if I need to use my golden ticket. The key is to stay committed and keep moving forward, learning and growing with each step. 

                Self-Reflection and Progress 

                In Michelle Sales' blog, "How is Ang Going with Dry July?", I highlighted the importance of self-reflection during this challenge. Checking in with myself and acknowledging progress has reinforced my commitment. This self-reflection has been key helping me stay aligned with my goals and recognise my achievements, no matter how small. 

                Leadership Lessons 

                Michelle Sales’ insights in "3 Leadership Lessons from Dry July" connects with my experience. She draws parallels between the Dry July journey and leadership, emphasising three key lessons: 

                • Leading by Example: Committing to Dry July has not only been a personal challenge but also an opportunity to lead by example. It shows others the power of setting and achieving goals. By openly sharing my journey, I hope to inspire others to take on their own challenges and see them through. 
                • Building Resilience: The journey has taught me resilience. Facing temptations and overcoming them builds strength, much like navigating challenges in leadership. Each moment of temptation resisted is a step towards becoming stronger and more resolute. 
                • Staying Focused on the Vision: Keeping my "why" in mind helps maintain focus on the end goal, a critical aspect of effective leadership. It's about looking beyond the immediate discomfort and focusing on the long-term benefits and personal growth that come from the challenge. 

                Final Reflections 

                As I conclude Week 4 of Dry July, I feel more empowered and committed. The journey has been an experience, not just in terms of abstaining from alcohol but in fostering personal growth and leadership qualities. This experience has shown me the importance of starting with a strong "why," continually reflecting on my progress, and leading by example. These are not just lessons for a month-long challenge but principles that can guide us in all aspects of life and leadership. Thank you for following along on this journey with me.

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                Michelle Sales/29 July 2024