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                Bring Who you are to How you Lead

                Michelle Sales/06 October 2024
                1 minute read time

                The Leadership Trifecta: Aligning Who, How, and What for Real Leadership

                Leadership is an art, a dynamic practice that requires constant reflection and adaptation. At its core, true leadership emerges when you fully align your identity, behaviours, and goals. Many leaders struggle with fragmentation—doing one thing while being pulled in a different direction. This disconnect can weaken their influence and effectiveness. That’s why integrating three core elements—Who, How, and What—into a cohesive leadership model can be a game changer.

                In our Real Leadership model, each of these elements—Who you are, How you lead, and What you aim to achieve—represents a crucial aspect of leadership. The magic happens at the intersections, where the alignment of these elements unlocks your potential as a leader.

                Who: The Foundation of Your Leadership

                The first circle, “Who,” represents your identity—your values, principles, character, and strengths. Who you are as a leader forms the foundation upon which everything else is built. Leadership is not about mimicking someone else's style or following the latest trends. It’s about bringing your authentic self to every decision, every conversation, and every action.

                When leaders fail to understand themselves, they risk losing credibility and consistency. As author Brené Brown points out, vulnerability and authenticity in leadership build trust. Understanding who you are is critical to you leading from a place of conviction and personal integrity. People follow leaders who they trust to be consistent and genuine.

                How: The Ways of Your Leadership

                “How” is the second element of our model. This represents your leadership approach—your style, strategies, and behaviours. Some leaders are more collaborative, others more directive. Some lead by example, while others empower their teams with accountability.

                The challenge lies in ensuring that your leadership ways align with who you are. When the “how” doesn’t match the “who,” it can lead to inauthentic leadership. For example, if you value inclusivity but your leadership style is hierarchical and exclusive, people will sense the disconnect, and your impact will diminish. Authentic leadership means ensuring that your leadership approach reflects your core values.

                What: The Goals of Your Leadership

                The third circle, “What,” represents your leadership goals—the outcomes you’re working to achieve. Every leader has targets, whether they’re personal, team-based, or organisational. But the key to effective leadership isn’t just having goals; it’s having the right goals.

                Purpose-driven leadership means aligning your goals with your identity. When the “what” is deeply connected to the “who,” you become a leader with a mission that matters. Instead of chasing arbitrary targets, you pursue objectives that reflect your purpose and passion. This alignment ensures that the work you do feels meaningful not just to you, but also to the people you lead.

                Real Leadership Model

                The Power of Alignment

                The real power of this leadership model lies in the intersections of Who, How, and What:

                • Who + How = Identity in Action: This intersection focuses on the authenticity of your leadership. Are you leading in a way that reflects who you are? Real Leadership requires that your values shape your leadership ways.
                • Who + What = Purposeful Leadership: Here, the question is whether your goals reflect your identity. Are you chasing goals that matter to you on a personal level, or are you simply following external pressures?
                • How + What = Strategic Execution: This intersection ensures that your ways are effective in reaching your goals. Are you executing in a way that leads to success, or are there disconnects between your actions and your outcomes?
                • Who + How + What = Real Leadership in Full Alignment: The sweet spot is when all three elements align. When your identity shapes your leadership approach, and your goals are aligned with your purpose, you unlock your full potential as a leader. You become someone who not only inspires others but also drives real, impactful change.

                The journey to Real Leadership starts with aligning Who you are, How you lead, and What you aim to achieve. When these elements come together, you create a leadership style that is not only authentic but also deeply effective. As you reflect on your leadership, ask yourself: Are you leading in alignment? If not, what steps can you take to bring more of who you are to how you lead and what you aim to achieve?

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                Michelle Sales/06 October 2024